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Intus Company Membership

Through the Company Membership your company can enjoy the same competitive interest rates as you can have as an individual member. We accept corporate clients worldwide.

Intus Savings and Loan Association offers to companies two different levels of membership; you can choose either Bronze membership or our most popular Gold membership.

Bronze membership

Requirements for companies:

  • Entrance fee: 10 EUR (one-off fee).
  • Investment in Intus share capital (1 share) 30 EUR. Investment in the share capital shall be returned to the member in case of resignation.

Gold membership

Requirements for companies:

  • Entrance fee: 10 EUR (one-off fee).
  • Investment in Intus share capital (5 shares)150 EUR. Investment in the share capital shall be returned to the member in case of resignation.

You will get:

  • 0.50% higher annual interest than as Bronze member with all our deposit accounts

Payment Cards

We have partnered with Wise International and Revolut Ltd., the leading European payment services companies, to provide our clients card and currency exchange services with competitive terms. You can open a personal or corporate card account with them and then ask funds to be transferred from your Intus account to your card account.


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