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New 3y capital protected investment with guaranteed 6.42% (USD) or 6.38% (GBP) or 4.75% (EUR) annual return – three major stock indices
We are pleased to introduce to you a new Capital Protected Investment Product in US Dollars, UK Pounds and Euros. The capital protection is provided by bank (A1 rating Moody’s).
The capital protection of this product is linked to the performance of three major stock indices as Euro Stoxx 50 (Europe), Nikkei 225 (Japan) and S&P 500 (North America). The guaranteed quarterly coupon interest is 1.605% in US Dollars (6.42% on annual level) or accordingly 1.595% in UK Pounds (6.38% on annual level) or 1.1875% in Euros (4.75% on annual level) and it is paid regardless how the underlying stock indices perform. The capital repayment is 100% when all three indices are at the maturity after 3 years on or above 65% of their initial levels. If not the capital will be returned according to the weakest performed index.
The minimum investment in this Capital Protected Product is 25,000 USD/GBP/EUR. There is not any subscription fee with this investment and it has a daily liquidity at the market price if you need to sell it before the maturity. The subscriptions can be made by opening an investment account either with Custodian Life Company or with Exante trading platform or with any other bank or platform which accepts capital protected investments.
You can read more about the Capital Protected Investments here