It's time to put your extra funds to work and make your savings goals come…

Intus is now five years old
This year, Intus is celebrating its fifth business anniversary. Since 2014, our association has been growing steadily, welcoming new members from all over Europe. We can proudly say that our services have helped our customers achieve their financial goals. We are grateful to those who trusted our company, and we want to celebrate our success by offering everyone a bonus:
open a new Intus savings account with a minimum term of 12 months and initial investment of at least 5,000 EUR or currency equivalent, and we will offer you an extra 1% on the initial invested amount. For example, if you invest 10,000 EUR for 12 months, we will count your initial investment as 10,100 EUR, and we will pay you this bonus at the end of the term*.
* Offer valid for all account opening applications sent by 30/09/2019 and paid by 11/10/2019. No bonus will be awarded in case of early account closing.